Friday, June 25, 2010

A little Rant.

Do you girls have 'bad make-up' days just like 'bad hair' days?
It's like no matter what you do, what products you used (especially the one you trust the most), it just didnt turn out right?

Isnt it frustrating when you know you NEED to look good for an event but something went wrong somewhere and you just cant get it right, but then your make-up somehow looks so awesome when you're just running an errand nearby that you just dont wanna take it off?

Yeah, i'm kinda feeling that right now.


  1. does happen to me too...i wonder why...

  2. It does to me too!

  3. it happens to me esp if im late. my make up just wont work out for me and always something will cock up like, i use mascara n it accidently touch my lids or my cheeks! eeeK!

  4. it does happened to me too.. sucky!!

  5. me too, sucks big time!

  6. yeah it's sucky when that happens, no matter what u do, nothing turns out right.. ;(

  7. LOL happens to me ALL THE TIME, actually. But as the day goes by, I look in the mirror and think, "hey, it's not as bad as I thought..."
    And then you start looking in the mirror more often throughout the day and think "Eh ya lah, quite okay what. what was I thinking in the first place?!"
    I think it's just a state of mind, but... well it still happens to me every time heheh.

  8. Wow! So many of you with me on this one!
    Then again, i think i am just no skilled enough. that's why my make-up never perfect. hahaha!

  9. It does happen to me too. F my life. BIG TIME. :p
